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Can you file my personal income tax return for me?

Última actualización: October 25, 2024

Yes, we can assist you with filing your income tax return. Here's how:

1. Click on the banner from your dashboard or through the email you have received and then access to HUB.

2. Confirm your basic information.

3. Prepare the payment method (Please note that this is an additional service not included in your Pricing Plan.) 

You will receive the invoice directly via email, and it will be uploaded to your Expenses section on your platform as well.

4. Sign the contract.

5. A modal window will open to start the questionnaire you need to fill out. 

6. Start and complete the questionnaire.

After that, our Accounting Team will begin preparing the draft of the report and will send it to you for your confirmation. Once you have confirmed it, we will submit it to the Tax Agency.

You can check the status of your report directly in the Reports section → IRPF Tab (Income Tax) → Annual tab report.

☝️Please note that we won’t start filling out Renta until April 25th, and the deadline is July 1st.

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