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I am not registered as an autónomo, how does the registration process work with Xolo? 

Última actualización: October 22, 2024

Doing your autónomo registration with Xolo is a very simple, fast and secure process. In just 10 minutes you can finish the process and in 1 working day you will be registered as an autónomo with Hacienda and Social Security and start invoicing your clients from Spain!

  1. Sign up on our website with your name, last name and email address.
  2. Once logged into our platform select "Register as autónomo".
  3. Select the professional activity you are going to carry out as a freelancer and complete your profile with your personal data such as your fiscal address and your DNI/NIE.

Don't know what your business activity is or can't find it on the list?

Select the activity that is closest to yours and leave a comment explaining exactly what you are going to do. We will take care of finding the epigraph that corresponds to you in order to register you correctly.

Don't know where to find your cadastral reference or don't have it with you?

Go to this website, select the section CALLE/NÚMERO and enter your home address to obtain it. You can also request it by telephone on 902 373 635 or 913 874 550. You will be asked for your address and the details of the owner of the address.

🤑 If this is the first time you have registered as autónomo or it has been 3+ years since you last registered and you don't have any debts with Hacienda and/or the Social Security, you can benefit from the reduced quota of the Social Security contributions! This means that for the first year you will only have to pay €87/month. Xolo will make sure that this is applied by default. Read more.

The next steps are:

  1. Verifying your identity (more info)
  2. Filling in a form with your personal data (here you must give us the details of the bank account you are going to use for your freelance business. The account must be in your name and be in a bank operating in Spain).
  3. Signing the Service Agreement and paying Xolo’s monthly fee.

You’re all set! You will receive a confirmation from Xolo, Hacienda and Social Security once your autónomo registration is effective and you will be able to download the registration information in your profile. 🤗

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