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How do I know if I need to renew my ID card certificates?

Última actualización: December 09, 2020

Your ID card and its certificates for authentication and digital signing will be valid for 3 years from the date issued.

If the certificates need to be renewed, your ID-card Utility program will display the following message with a yellow background: “Your ID card certificates need to be updated.” If the ID card utility or DigiDoc4 Client does not display the version number in the bottom left corner, it means your ID software is out of date and you need to update it via the ID.ee website.

You can also check the utility version by clicking on the 'About' menu (the version number is displayed as 'qesteidutil version').

IMPORTANT: If you’re instructed to renew your ID card certificates, and you fail to renew them on time, you'll need to travel to Estonia to renew them in person at the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board.

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