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Can I use any payment gateways other than PayPal or Stripe?

Última actualización: February 12, 2020

Unfortunately, we don't allow our customers to freely choose their own payment gateway because most payment processors have very strict policies and a negative attitude towards location-independent businesses, along with an approval process that's very difficult for e-residents to pass. We've had many customers who have either received a negative response from various payment gateways during their onboarding, or have had their accounts deactivated when they were already operating their business.

Another reason for only allowing certain payment gateways is that we need access to your transaction data so we can execute your company's compliance and reporting, and it's much easier to provide us with the data when you use the services that we can support by default. Other gateways often don't have all the necessary data available for export or they might provide the data in an incompatible format which makes it much more difficult for us to take care of your accounting.

For these reasons, we decided to narrow the range of supported options to ones that work best with Xolo Leap, and that our customers have had the most positive experiences with.

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