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  3. Hacienda

Modelo 303 - Quarterly VAT

Última actualización: May 22, 2024
  • What is it for?

With this form you will know whether you have to pay, offset or refund VAT. 

This form also informs Hacienda of certain transactions even when they do not include VAT, such as intra-Community transactions (transactions within the EU), exports or imports.

  • Who has to submit this form?

All freelancers in Spain whose activity is not regulated education or healthcare must submit them, all others are exempt.

  • When must it be submitted?

It is a form that must be filed quarterly, but in Q4, Modelo 303 must be filed together with Modelo 390, which is the annual equivalent.

  • When do I have to pay and when don't I?

This form may result in: positive (to pay), negative or zero/no activity.

  • Positive: the tax return is in favour of Hacienda and you have to pay.

  • Zero or no activity: You don't have to pay anything! You have had more expenses than income with VAT or you have had no activity, you will not have to pay for it. Even so, you have to file the tax return so that the tax authorities know that this has happened.

  • Negative: if you are negative in any of the first 3 quarters, this negative base will be compensated in the next quarter. If you are negative in the 4th quarter, then the tax authorities will request a refund (this process can take up to 6 months).

  • How is it calculated? 

The formula is as follows: VAT on income - VAT on expenses

Whether you have to pay or offset VAT will depend on the VAT income you have had in the quarter minus the VAT expenses, being: VAT on income - VAT on expenses.

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