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  1. Preguntas frecuentes
  2. Your obligations as a freelancer
  3. Hacienda

Modelo 347 - Annual Statement of Transactions with Third Parties 

Última actualización: August 28, 2024
  • What is it for?

Modelo 347 is a form for the purpose of declaring to the tax authorities purchases and sales of more than 3,005.06€ made during the previous year.

If the contractual relationship has already been reported on Modelo 190, the annual withholding tax form, there is no need to mention it on this form.

  • Who has to submit this form?

Freelancers who have made purchases or sales of more than 3,005.06€ during that year with the same customer or supplier.

  • When must it be submitted?

It occurs once a year, usually during the month of February.

  • When do I have to pay and when don't I?

It is only an informative model that is neither payable nor refundable.

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