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How much does Xolo’s subscription cost? 

Ultimo aggiornamento: July 06, 2024

We currently have 4 different pricing plans adapted to the needs of each freelancer and their business: Lite for €15, Starter for €49, Global for €59 and Premium for €99 (prices per month excl. VAT).

Before subscribing to Xolo, you should choose the rate that suits you best. For example, if you plan to invoice customers outside Spain, you will be interested in subscribing to the "Global" plan (€59 per month), since it allows you to invoice to different countries, with different currencies and also includes the registration in the ROI (if you do not already have it) and the Modelo 349 in your tax reports.

If you subscribed to the "Starter" plan (€49 per month) and now you are going to start having clients abroad, can you switch to the "Global" plan (€59 per month)? Or to the “Premium” plan (€99 per month)?

Of course you can! Just send an email to detailing your situation and our team will be happy to help you. The following month you will be charged the new amount.

For more information, please check our pricing page.

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