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I am already registered as self-employed, where can I find the Social Security registration resolution?

Last updated: October 22, 2024

If you need to retrieve the resolution of registration as a freelancer to change your accounting solution, to make a procedure with the Social Security or simply to cancel your registration as a freelancer, you are in the right place.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get a copy of your Social Security self-employment resolution.

First, go to the Social Security website, in the section "Acreditación de alta, baja o modificaciones en trabajo autónomo" and select the option "Consultar documentos":


You will have 4 options to identify yourself and be able to access the procedure:

  • "Cl@ve Permanente". For this option you will need to be registered in the Cl@ve system.
  • "Cl@ve PIN". You will also need to be registered and have the "Cl@ve PIN" app on your cell phone.
  • "Vía SMS”. With this option, you will only need your DNI/NIE number, date of birth and telephone number to identify yourself.
  • "DNIe o certificado". For this option you will need to have one of these identification methods available.


When you access "Tu archivo de documentos" choose the option "Acreditación del alta o baja en trabajo autónomo".acreditacion_del_alta_o_baja_en_trabajo_autonomo_en.png

On the next page, choose the "Duplicado de resolución de alta" option from the drop-down menu in the "Tipo de resolución" section.

Leave the "Fecha de alta/baja" field blank and press "Continuar".duplicado_de_resolucion_de_alta_en.png

To continue the process of downloading your document, select the report that appears in the "Seleccionar” section.select_the_report_from_seleccionar.png

Finally, download the duplicate by clicking on "Duplicado de resolución de alta/baja" in the "Documentación" section.



And there you have it! There are many steps and many tabs, but if you follow this process to the letter, it will only take you a couple of minutes.

This duplicate will allow you to do all your paperwork and, in case you need it again, you will only have to repeat this same process. As many times as you want.

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