The freelancer’s tool for surprise-free tax management

Control your taxes as a freelancer in real-time with Xolo, thanks to our tax estimation platform.

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Taxes and freelancing are an unavoidable relationship

VAT, IRPF, all the annual summaries... For many freelancers, the tax authorities are a nightmare, but at Xolo we’re equipped to take away your tax fears.

Let us prove it to you!

Take control of your freelancing taxes with Xolo

Automatic tax calculation on each invoice

Forget about Excel, calculators and percentages. With Xolo, every invoice includes an automatic tax calculation based on your activity, the type of customer and the type of service you offer. Leave the math to us.

Tax forecasting

Check your tax forecast regularly with our control panel, and you’lll always know what taxes you must pay. Stay ahead, avoid surprises with Hacienda with always updated information (and your bank account always prepared).


Every tax form on time

We take care of everything, so that you always have a clear idea of what is happening with your taxes. See in one click which forms our accountants will file for you and download your previous returns (even in pdf format!).

Other procedures with Hacienda

In addition to filing VAT and IRPF, Xolo takes care of many other procedures. We help you with the presentation of the annual summaries, the income tax return and, if you’re a newcomer, with your autónomo registration.

More procedures

Tax optimization with Xolo

Drop the fear of taxation, and welcome the potential in savings with expense reporting and deductions!

In addition to filing taxes for you, our expert accountants will help you make the best decisions to optimize your expenses wherever possible.

Get your taxes filed and questions answered

At Xolo, we’ve prepared the definitive guide with all models and taxes for the self-employed. And we have made a brief summary of the most common questions:

The tax obligations of freelancers vary according to each case but can be divided into two main groups:

  • Obligations related to the autónomo registration. They refer to all those forms and procedures that allow you to officially register as a self-employed worker with Hacienda and Social Security.
  • Obligations related to tax filing. Those forms related to VAT and IRPF that vary depending on your economic activity or your income as a freelancer.

As a freelancer you will have to file (and pay in most cases) several taxes to Hacienda. You've probably heard of them, but we'll explain them in detail:

  • VAT or Value Added Tax. An indirect tax on consumption. Something like a charge on any purchase, and that includes your freelance services. There are several VAT rates depending on your economic activity.
  • The IRPF or Personal Income Tax. A direct and progressive tax on your earnings. Except for those who have just started as self-employed and have a reduced IRPF (7%), the percentage on each invoice is always the same 15%.

The forms to present as a freelancer will also depend on your professional activity and your economic performance. But in any case, we can divide them into 3 main groups:

  • Models related to the registration as a freelancer. These are the ones that prove that you have registered as a freelancer correctly. You will know them as Models 036, 037 and TA0521.
  • Forms related to VAT. There are two. The model 303 (quarterly declaration) and the model 390 (summary of annual collections).
  • Forms related to Personal Income Tax. All those related to your IRPF liquidations through the invoices. They are the models 130, 131, 100, 111, 190, 115 and 180.

Start saving an average of €1,000 per year in taxes with Xolo

We are here to help you. You and your pocket, of course. Sign up today and start optimizing your tax returns with Xolo. Our goal is to help you win. Always.

Independent sticker

Start invoicing as a freelancer in 3 steps


Create your profile in Xolo and explain to us the details of your case. This way we will know if we are a match.


Choose your plan: Starter, Global or Premium. Each freelancer has one designed for them.


Send your first invoice. Your freelance adventure has just begun.